For every pound of muscle he gained he had to lose a pound of fat. In other words he had to put more muscle in his 198 lb. class he knew he would have to replace fat with muscle. To increase his total while staying in the 198 lb. He was already at the top of his weight class. Bill told me the most important thing he did was to use body composition tests. When I learned Bill Ennis had reduced his bodyfat to 5.5% and increase his total from a respectable 1731 to a superb 1906, like you, I wanted to know how he did it. and increased his lean weight (muscle) from 184 to 193 lbs. Staying within easy reach of the middle-heavyweight class limit of 204, Bill lowered his bodyfat percentage from 9.8 to 5.5. He put 175 pounds on his total by losing 9 pounds of fat and gaining 9 pounds of muscle. He'll tell you he "put 10 pounds in a 5 pound bag." That's his way of explaining that he increased his body density. Phil Heath has held the title for the last 7 years, but on the big night this year, it was not to be his record-equaling victory # 8.Ask Bill Ennis how he has moved up so many notches in the 198 lb.

Pro Men: Shawn Rhoden becomes the 14th Mr Olympia winner as he stunningly took home the top prize in 2018. WAYNE'S HARD NEWS - Retrospective 2018 Olympia Report When I stand before God at the end of my life, I would hope that I would not have a single bit of talent left, and could say, "I used everything you gave me.” - Erma Bombeck My aim is to record as many contests as I can so that their history and record survives. "The human mind (and body) will not be confined to any limits" Goethe

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